CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT (419) 224-6996 |
1571 North Main Street Lima, Ohio 45801 Phone 419.224.6996 Fax 419.516.4737 |
You can simply click on the above link and you will be redirected to the IRS website. You will need to have your social security number, filing status, and refund amount.
You can simply click on the above link and you will be redirected to the Ohio Department of Taxation website. You will need to have your social security number and birth date. I received another tax document after filing my return. What do I do? You may need to amend your return. You can simply call us (419.224.6996) and we may be able to tell you then if your return will need amended. On the other hand, we may need to see all the information provided on the document to determine if there will be a change.